Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The first time I met Ted Kennedy

One night recently when I was feeling somewhat depressed and wondering what the future held, I decided that instead of feeling blue, I would make a list of all the amazing and fortunate things that I have had the privilege of doing in my life.

Right near the top of that list was that I had on a few occasions, the opportunity to meet and talk with the legendary Senator Edward M. Kennedy. However, it is the first time that I talked to him that made a lasting impression on me and the moment is as fresh in my brain as if it was yesterday.

Most of my friends don't know that when I was a young broadcaster I spent a brief time working as a television reporter. It was not something I was especially fond of and as you know went with the radio side of broadcasting instead.

But as a young reporter, I once had the occasion to sit and interview the Senator and do a background piece on him. He was in Iowa to lend his voice to a colleague's campaign and on this particular trip had brought his entire family. His then wife, Joan, daughter Kara and son Patrick.

Of course, any discussion of his career at that point had to deal with the subject of the Chappaquiddick incident. As it came time to approach that subject I could feel myself begin to fidget in the chair, I started to ring my hands and felt a few beads of sweat form on my upper lip. As I fumbled for the words, I diverted my glance to his wife, then his daughter and finally his son. I didn't think I could do it.

He instinctively knew. And with amazing grace he reached his hand out, put it on top of mine and said, "Young man, do your job." I did. I will never forget the moment when he gave me the courage to do what some say is the hardest thing ever, speak truth to power.

His accomplishments are many. His compassion for his fellow man and his battle for "the cause of his life", health care reform are unequaled.

It is truly the end of an era. I don't think we will ever see another one like him. The last surviving Kennedy son. A man who left the world far better for his having been here. He will be missed.

God Bless Senator Kennedy.

1 comment:

  1. Jeff! You are a FANTASTIC writer! I had no idea! :) I love reading your blogs. :)
