The famous quote of Popeye, one of America's legendary cartoon characters when he had hit the limit of his patience.
That's the way I feel today about losing something else that I feel passionate about. First thanks to the John Hogan's and Lew Dickey's of the world I lost my passion for radio. An industry that I had worked in my entire adult life. The last nine months before Clear Channel made me a statistic with their downsizing were so miserable that there are only about four or five radio companies left that I care to work for.
But today, it it not radio it is politics. Most of my life I have been fascinated by the political process. Over the years I have volunteered countless hours working for candidates and causes I believed in.
And oh boy.... then came the news channels and talk radio. I became a total news junkie.
MSNBC is the most watched channel in my house. Keith Olbermann was a nightly appointment.
Now everyone that knows me knows that I lean to the left politically. Some have even said that I am to the left of Russ Feingold. But which side of the aisle I am on really has nothing to do with why I am fed up.
What's bothering me is that our elected officials are no longer worried about doing what is best for the country, or for their district or city or county. It's about one side trying it's best to stop the other side.
I think what finally brought all this to the forefront for me was when an elected official actually said the other day that if the Republicans could stop health care that they could derail the entire Obama Presidency.
Now I wasn't a fan of W, but if one of the Democrats had made a similar statement I would have felt the same way. You can disagree on issues but to say that, or to say what Boss Limbaugh said about hoping the President fails. It's just too much.
Now make no mistake. I think both sides are guilty here. It is not about Democrats vs. Republicans, it is about just trying to destroy the other side at any cost.
So, I am swearing off talk radio and MSNBC for awhile. Whether it is Ed Schultz, Glenn Beck, Limbaugh or Olbermann. I can't take it anymore.
I will still fight for the issues I believe in... but listening to and watching this endless, mindless drivel is too much.
I have installed a ipod jack in my car.
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