Tuesday, August 25, 2009

How could I have let this happen??

I did something today that I simply cannot believe. Something so out of character, something so disgusting that I just don't know how I am going to be able to show my face to friends and family.

In getting the house ready to sell and arrange for the impending move we have gone through so many boxes, had a garage sale and discovered so many things that I had forgotten. But today, something happened that is likely to set me back emotionally for perhaps years to come.

In a back corner of the garage, behind some shovels, rakes and a decorative outdoor fountain that we no longer use, I found two cases of beer. As near as I could remember I had gotten them about three years ago Thanksgiving when we had some friends over and they had since gotten buried and forgotten.

Three years in the garage. The heat and humidity of summer and the freezing cold of winter. This had to be some pretty skunky beer.

You can't sit two cases of beer on the curb for the garbage man to pick up because skunky or not, you got to know the neighborhood kids would have been all over it.

Sooooooo....... I dragged both cases into the back yard, painfully opened them one by one and wept openly as I poured out two cases of Bud Light. Enough good beer to keep a couple weeks of good football watching parties going, or my buddy Jerry happy for a few hours.

My only consultation is that I know that in the time it took me to pour out the beer, The Busch family in St.Louis probably produced 100 times as much as I dumped out.

But as Homer Simpson would say, "DOHHHH... my beautiful sweet beer."

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