Dear Mr. President,
With all due respect sir you have let me down for the last time. I had such high hopes for you and our country. I will never forget where I was when you were declared the victor on Election Day. How proud I was that our country had done something I surely did not think I would see in my lifetime. Hope and Change.
I have spent the better part of two years defending you; I thought that people expected you to reverse the disaster that was the Bush presidency in too short of time. I thought they expected way too much from you too fast. And I was constantly angry at the opposition party for trying to block everything you proposed. I still think that many have been unfair to you, but yesterday you sold those of us in your base down the river.
The Bush Tax cuts. Something that you campaigned so strongly against. Imagine my surprise when you agreed to a two year extension. There has been debate ad nauseam over whether they should be extended or not and both sides have been heard and debated.
Albert Einstein is credited with saying, "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome." The Bush tax cuts are part of a failed economic policy that has left this country's economy a global disaster. And this will only make it worse, if for no other reason that the tax cuts are not paid for. We have to fund this by borrowing more money from China or Saudi Arabia, or both.
Extending the tax cuts for two years ensures that this debate will happen again during the next Presidential campaign election cycle. Do you not think that Republicans and Tea Partiers are not already licking their chops at the opportunity to paint you as wanting to raise taxes in an election year? They played you, Mr. President. Just like they have been all along. Why is it that they are so much better at that than we are?
Tax cuts for the wealthy are not proven to create jobs. It is very likely that if you give the rich a tax break they will save it. There is certainty that when you give the unemployed benefits that they will spend them. They have to. There is no opportunity to save it. Meaning their spending keeps the corner business in business.
Aside from the right or wrong and if trickle down economics works or not, the real problem is that you caved again. You let them back you into a corner and you refused to fight. And then you had a press conference and got angry with us, the ones that have been your loyal base. Your answer was as always, "you just don't understand."
I think we understand all too well. Velma Hart told you in a press conference she was tired of defending you. So am I, sir.
My hopes and dreams for your Hope and Change have been shattered. I am disappointed and let down. I see you as someone more interested in keeping everyone happy and winning re-election than making the tough choices and standing by your principles and beliefs regardless of how it will effect your popularity. In that regard your predecessor was far superior.
You have sprinted to the middle and let us on the left in the wake.
So much for Hope and Change.
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